Tips to get over the sleep epidemic
Hello friends!
I am your own Nand Kishore Singh.
Today in this article I will talk about people who have lost sleep or who are getting less sleep. What can be the reason for lack of sleep?
In today's time, the disease of sleeplessness is the most in America, so let's take information about all these things in America.
If you feel tired while reading this short article, then it is already happening to you ...
An estimated 100+ million Americans have occasional sleep problems, 40 million of whom have so-called "sleep disorders," and more than 75% of the population is on-going. Sleep deprived on an almost daily basis. Studies show that it is only getting worse with each passing decade, and the situation shows no signs of getting better. In fact, there has been a 33% increase in those reporting trouble sleeping alone in the past 5 years! Can you imagine what the figures would be in another decade? Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we're headed in the right direction.
In our busy, fast-paced society, it seems that we are constantly moving forward, thinking, and trying to "do more". When we have so-called "free time", the first thing many of us think of is to catch up on the small TV or do some activity that we "don't have time to do" to catch up. Apart from sleep. And more quality and quantity sleep is really what most of us need.
Sleep studies clearly show that not getting the quality and quantity of sleep affects our lives in negative ways, sometimes greatly. It can dramatically change the way we see and experience our lives and the world around us.
Some of the following can help us recognize that we are not getting enough quality sleep each night:
* Feeling of tiredness at some point throughout the day
* falling asleep within a few minutes while going to bed
* Decrease in intolerance level and increase in hostility level
* Decreased ability to concentrate
* slow response
* impaired judgment
* indifference
* Abnormal weight gain or loss
* Changes in body temperature that lead to feelings of chills
* unusual level of anxiety
* falling asleep when inappropriate
*Lack of creativity
*Decreased ability to think logically or handle complex tasks*
Increased levels of self-consciousness with increased levels of anxiety
If you find that any of these characteristics apply to you, you might want to sleep a little longer or sleep better each night.
Amazingly, one of the fastest ways to improve our quality of life and waking hours, as statistics show, is simply to get a better night's sleep. There is such a simple answer to such a complex problem.
If you are having trouble sleeping, there are some things you can do that can help you very quickly. Yes, the following may seem obvious to many people, but sometimes we miss the obvious. So, let's cover something quick and easy first.
Avoid two things: caffeine and nicotine
Reduce the level of caffeine used throughout the day. Studies show that people who have insomnia already have a higher metabolic rate (usually 9%) than those who sleep normally. About 4 cups of coffee would be needed to increase a normal sleeper's metabolism to the same rate. From this metabolic indicator, although a person suffering from insomnia does not feel widely awake and shows all the signs of not getting enough sleep, we can see that a person who actually consumes caffeine on average is highly physically gets excited. After all, caffeine is a stimulant!
Its deficiency... reduces the level of caffeine intake throughout the day. Obviously, we wouldn't say give up completely, even though it might help. Of course, the last thing you want to do is drink caffeine a few hours (three or more) before you go to sleep.
List of foods and beverages that may contain caffeine:
* coffee - brew (drip or perforated), instant, many so called "decaffeinated" coffees
* tea-brew (drip or perforated), instant, many so-called "decaffeinated" coffees
* cocoa
* Chocolate (Light, Dark, Bakers, etc.): drink or food. It also includes hot chocolate milk.
* Most sodas: including "diet" and "clear" sodas - Coke, Diet Coke, Mr. PIBB, RC Cola, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi, Canada Dry, and many more
Next, nicotine intake can have a dramatic effect on our ability to live. Get a good night's rest. Just like caffeine, nicotine is a stimulant. Smoking is the primary way nicotine is swallowed. Smoking can raise blood pressure, stimulate brainwave activity and increase heart rate.
Studies have shown that smokers actually have more difficulty falling asleep at night and wake up more often. It is possible to have withdrawal symptoms later. And, when people quit smoking regularly after smoking 1 to 3 packets of cigarettes a day over a period of at least two years, studies have clearly shown that sleeping with fewer awakenings at night and It's easier to get more sound sleep.
Obviously people aren't just quitters, as most people who get used to the habit know how addictive it can really be. So, maybe reduce your smoking intake and only do it at a certain point during the day. Try not to smoke any cigarettes too close to bedtime and try, as in the case of caffeine, to limit your use to several hours before bedtime, which can help a lot. If you want to work fast towards getting a better night's sleep and you smoke cigarettes, quitting smoking is one of the fastest ways to help you achieve your goal.
Bedroom Sleep Tips!
There is much more we can do to achieve a better night's sleep, including taking a look at different aspects of our bedroom or sleeping environment. Many of the following lists will be subjective, so you may want to focus on a few and make small changes over time to find what works for you personally.
* Bed sheets: Comfort... Silk can be romantic, but not always practical. Your sheets should "breathe" well.
* Room temperature: neither too hot nor too cold. Some people find it easier to keep the room cool and wrap them warmly in their sheets. If you have cold feet… easy enough… wear socks.
* Noise or sound: The less the better, although some people may consider a built-in, continuous sound to help with sleep.
* Humidity: If you find that your throat is sore/aching, your skin feels dry, or you have clogged sinus passages, it may be because your room is too dry. If you feel hot, sweaty, and damp, you may want to check to see if there is too much humidity in the room.
*Lighting: The darker the better.
* Drafts: Some people like drafts, while it bothers others. Keep an eye out for chest pain or tightness while you sleep. This could mean that you have a draft in the room. If you can, open a window and let in some fresh air, as the air can become rancid if it freezes.
*Cleanliness: Okay, simple...keep it clean. It can keep the air fresh and help with sleep.
*Bed-like sleep: Use your bed and associate it with sleeping only and not with other activities. Read or you work somewhere else "home"... not in bed. Connecting the bed to something like work or the TV can keep us awake at night. Pairing this with relaxing activities, sleep, or even sex can help us fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly at night.
*Clocks: The click-and-click of mechanical clocks, the glare from digital clocks, or simply holding the clock in front of us can be a distraction. For some, the constant sound of clicking can actually be good for sleep.
* Pillows and Mattresses: Take your time and find what will work for you. New memory foam pillows, although they sometimes seem expensive, can be worth every penny. Make sure they are a high quality product, high density (about 5 lbs per cubic foot) memory foam, as there are so many cheap, lightweight memory foam pillows on the market today. As with your mattress, take your time and make sure you can test run a bed at home, so you can take it back if yours doesn't work for you.
*Greatest sleep tip: Take your time and be patient with yourself. See what works best for you. It is worth the effort. Just reading each of the above can help make you aware of ways you may not have noticed in the past, and that will improve your own life by getting a better night's sleep. Take your time and be patient.
Here are some things about our sleep context that can help us get a better night's sleep and improve our quality of life.
As the statistics clearly show, most of us are almost half awake every day, which means that in all likelihood we are not living the high quality of life we could be and damage to other areas of our lives. Maybe. Not getting enough quality sleep can lead to both mental and psychological problems.
Take your time, be patient, and discover what has helped others and how you can help improve your quality of life through a better night's sleep. It's time to halt growth and reverse America's easily unnoticed sleeplessness epidemic.
This is the most serious problem of America or any other country. If we pay attention to the things mentioned above, then to a large extent the problem can be solved.